This page was last updated: February 25, 2025
A listing of all known rail and transit enthusiast events happening in and around the
Chicago area..
(Except where noted, meetings/activites take place in the city of Chicago)
If your organization's meetings/events are not listed -- or if you have any corrections
to be made to your event, contact Bill Shapotkin at

                          - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  2025 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
Feb 28 (Friday)  Central Electric Railfans' Association meeting. (7:00-9:00 PM)
Location:      400 E. Randolph St., 7th Floor Hospitality Room. (You must sign in at front desk of building.)
​Admission:   Admission is free to CERA members in good standing. Non-members are asked to pay a
                      $5.00 admission. Of course, payment of 2024 membership dues can be made at-the-door.
Program:      "Chicago's North Side "L" from 1899 to today: 125 Years and Counting," by Bruce G Moffat.
Mar 21 (Friday) Railroad & Shortlines Club of Chicago  meeting. (7:30-9:30 PM)
Location:      Chicago Union Station (500 W Jackson Blvd)
                   Room 107A (There are steps up to this room.) 500 W Jackson Blvd (You must enter the station
                    between Clinton and Canal.)
                   Web site:
                   For program announcements by email, send a blank message To:
                   Phone number for program announcement: 312 725-0432  Leave a message and your call will
                    be returned. This number is answered during programs for assistance.
Admission:  Free.
Program:     "The Toledo Peoria & Western," by William Shapotkin.
Mar 28 (Friday)  Central Electric Railfans' Association meeting. (7:00-9:00 PM)
Location:      400 E. Randolph St., 7th Floor Hospitality Room. (You must sign in at front desk of building.)
​Admission:   Admission is free to CERA members in good standing. Non-members are asked to pay a
                      $5.00 admission. Of course, payment of 2024 membership dues can be made at-the-door.
Program:      To be announced.
Apr 18 (Friday) Railroad & Shortlines Club of Chicago  meeting. (7:30-9:30 PM)
Location:      Chicago Union Station (500 W Jackson Blvd)
                   Room 107A (There are steps up to this room.) 500 W Jackson Blvd (You must enter the station
                    between Clinton and Canal.)
                   Web site:
                   For program announcements by email, send a blank message To:
                   Phone number for program announcement: 312 725-0432  Leave a message and your call will
                    be returned. This number is answered during programs for assistance.
Admission:  Free.
Program:     To be announced.
Apr 25 (Friday)  Central Electric Railfans' Association meeting. (7:00-9:00 PM)
Location:      400 E. Randolph St., 7th Floor Hospitality Room. (You must sign in at front desk of building.)
​Admission:   Admission is free to CERA members in good standing. Non-members are asked to pay a
                      $5.00 admission. Of course, payment of 2024 membership dues can be made at-the-door.
Program:      To be announced.
May 16(Friday) Railroad & Shortlines Club of Chicago  meeting. (7:30-9:30 PM)
Location:      Chicago Union Station (500 W Jackson Blvd)
                   Room 107A (There are steps up to this room.) 500 W Jackson Blvd (You must enter the station
                    between Clinton and Canal.)
                   Web site:
                   For program announcements by email, send a blank message To:
                   Phone number for program announcement: 312 725-0432  Leave a message and your call will
                    be returned. This number is answered during programs for assistance.
Admission:  Free.
Program:     "Layover in Savanna," by Leo Phillipp.
May 23 (Friday)  Central Electric Railfans' Association meeting. (7:00-9:00 PM)
Location:      400 E. Randolph St., 7th Floor Hospitality Room. (You must sign in at front desk of building.)
​Admission:   Admission is free to CERA members in good standing. Non-members are asked to pay a
                      $5.00 admission. Of course, payment of 2024 membership dues can be made at-the-door.
Program:      "Los Angeles Transit Lines May 1955," by Harvey Laner.
Mar 7 (Friday) Omnibus Society of America meeting. (7:00-9:00 PM -- Please do not arrive before 6:45 PM)
Location:       San Lucas United Church of Christ (Basement), 2914 W North Ave
                      Enter the basement from the walkway on the side of the building. There are steps into the
                      basement. The church is on the north side of North Avenue between Francisco and Richmond
                      (across the street from Humboldt Park).

                      If using public transit, Get off CTA bus #72 NORTH bus at Francisco, or get off CTA bus #94 --
                      CALIFORNIA bus at North Ave and walk west.

                      There is plenty of on-street parking eastbound on the south side of North Ave adjacent to
                      Humboldt Park, or in a small parking lot behind the church.

                      Call Adam on 847 215-0180 if there are difficulties.
Admission:     Members and their guest are admitted without charge. All other are asked to make a $5.00
Program:       "Ray's 1948 Post-High School Vacation," by Ray DeGroote.
                        In 1948, Ray visited New Orleans, LA, San Francisco/Oakland, Portland, Seattle, and Victoria
                        and Vancouver, BC. He'll present slides taken on subsequent visits to these places plus those
                        from that era he had acquired along the way before he had his own 35 mm camera.

Apr 4 (Friday) Omnibus Society of America meeting. (7:00-9:00 PM -- Please do not arrive before 6:45 PM)
Location:       San Lucas United Church of Christ (Basement), 2914 W North Ave
                      Enter the basement from the walkway on the side of the building. There are steps into the
                      basement. The church is on the north side of North Avenue between Francisco and Richmond
                      (across the street from Humboldt Park).

                      If using public transit, Get off CTA bus #72 NORTH bus at Francisco, or get off CTA bus #94 --
                      CALIFORNIA bus at North Ave and walk west.

                      There is plenty of on-street parking eastbound on the south side of North Ave adjacent to
                      Humboldt Park, or in a small parking lot behind the church.

                      Call Adam on 847 215-0180 if there are difficulties.
Admission:     Members and their guest are admitted without charge. All other are asked to make a $5.00
Program:        "Musings by Mullenbach," a visit to transit properties in Wisconsin and around the Midwest," by
                        Mike Mullenbach.​
May 2 (Friday) Omnibus Society of America meeting. (7:00-9:00 PM -- Please do not arrive before 6:45 PM)
Location:       San Lucas United Church of Christ (Basement), 2914 W North Ave
                      Enter the basement from the walkway on the side of the building. There are steps into the
                      basement. The church is on the north side of North Avenue between Francisco and Richmond
                      (across the street from Humboldt Park).

                      If using public transit, Get off CTA bus #72 NORTH bus at Francisco, or get off CTA bus #94 --
                      CALIFORNIA bus at North Ave and walk west.

                      There is plenty of on-street parking eastbound on the south side of North Ave adjacent to
                      Humboldt Park, or in a small parking lot behind the church.

                      Call Adam on 847 215-0180 if there are difficulties.
Admission:     Members and their guest are admitted without charge. All other are asked to make a $5.00
Program:        "Seattle -- Part 2," by Kyle Engstrom. Kyle will show more Seattle route scenes from his trip in
                        2023. He'll also show scenes from Edmonton and Calgary.
Apr 26(Saturday) Chicago Terminal Chapter of the Pennsylvania Railroad Technical and Historical                                        Society  meeting (2:00-5:00 PM)
Location:      Historical Pullman District Visitors Center (11141 S. Cottage Grove Ave) in Chicago.
                      Location is accessible to public transportation using CTA bus #4 , #111A or 115 to/from
                     111th/Cottage Grove Ave or Metra Electric to/from 111/Pullman station (which is not ADA
                      accessible) or to/from 115/Kensington (which is ADA accessible).
Admission:   Free.
Program:      To be announced. 
Information:   ld_mlc43@comcast.netJan 25
Mar 15 (Saturday)  Illinois Division Meeting -- Milwaukee Road Historical Assoc meeting. (1:30-3:30 PM --
                  doors open at 1:00 PM)
 Location:     Itasca Public Library, 500 W Irving Park Rd in Itasca, IL.
Admission:   Free.
Program:     To be announced.